How to remove the page break in batchjob output of ALV 您所在的位置:网站首页 how can remove page break in pages How to remove the page break in batchjob output of ALV

How to remove the page break in batchjob output of ALV

#How to remove the page break in batchjob output of ALV | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Please find the steps to reproduce the issue.

step1. Log-on to DR1

step2. Enter tcode se38 and enter the program name : Z_LIST_DISPLAY and execute

step3. You will get the selection screen. Click on the program Menu and click " execute in background"

step4."Background print parameters" - pop up will be displayed.

step5. Enter Output device as " LOCL", Enter Report 60000 rows X 255 columns

step6: Enter format Z_60000_255

step7. Click on Continue button.

step8. " Start Time" screen will appear. Click on Immediate button.

step9. Click on Save button at the bottom.

step10. A successful message will appear at the bottom "Background job was scheduled for program Z_LIST_DISPLAY".

step11. Goto sm37 and click on execute. you should be getting the job in finished status.

step12. Click on the job and click on the spool button at the top.

step13.You will get output controller: list of spool requests.

step14.Under the type column heading, there will be an icon and click it.

step15. You will get an output which will give you the list. The list will have heading after every 60th record. But we want to get the complete list with only one heading which should be displayed just list the foreground output.

How to remove the headings which will appear every 60 lines.






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